Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Extinctathon: Level Editor

I've been working on Extinctathon pretty regularly lately, at least 2-3 hours per day, and I've updated quite a bit. I've got multiple types of background tiles (Block objects), I've updated the collision detection (it works about 95% as well as I want it to), and the beginnings of a level editor (as seen in the video). It's all in one program; you hit up on the d-pad to toggle between editing and debug modes (as seen in the upper right hand corner). In edit mode the shoulder buttons cycle forward and back through the types of tiles (grass, mountain, cloud, block), and the cursor is moved with the left hand joystick. Tiles are placed by pressing A.

I still have quite a bit to work on, including adding blocks that can be broken, blocks that can pop out power-ups, enemies, and all sorts of other stuff. The code needs cleaning up, too, and there's a good amount of commenting that I need to do before I move forward. The next step I'll be taking, however, is adding a level loading and saving system. I'd like to then make one semi-complete level so that I can test it out and then add enemies. I'll hopefully do that this week.


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