Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Extinctathon: tiny updatelet

The whole Species content pipeline thing is done (enemy loading and saving, in lay speak), and now I'm going to be updating the Block class to make it more extensible and more geared towards classification via a BlockType enumeration, a method which I've found incredibly helpful with the Species class. I'd like to have more done at this point, but I just picked up Ninja Gaiden II -and- Lost Odyssey, AND I'm at work two days more than what's normal this week. Hopefully I'll catch up on Sunday.

In other, non-Extinctathon news, a friend has passed along some very sciencey Fortran code that models the flight of a frisbee given some initial conditions. Somewhere along the line I'll be turning this into an XNA frisbee simulator, but I really want to keep working at Extinctathon for the time being.

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