Sunday, July 20, 2008

Game State Management: Progress!

Due to some stuff in the real world, I haven't had a lot of time to work on Extinctathon in the past week. Still, I had a chunk of time this morning, and I started making headway with implementing the Game State Management Sample without (completely) breaking the game. What actually happened was I started doing that, got fed up, tried to roll my own solution, realized I needed everything the GSM Sample did, but my version would be kind of crappy, so I started over using the sample.

So, yeah. Lots of back and forth. I got Extinctathon to work with the menus, pausing, stuff like that, with a few BIG issues.

  1. The collision detection is broken. It was dependent, before, on the input handling, collision, and updating to be done in a specific order. This had to be moved around to accomodate the new changes, and it no longer works in certain situations. This should show you how shitty my collision stuff is. It need to be completely reworked.
  2. Some minor stuff with the music. This should be easily fixed.
  3. There's a weird bug when you exit out of the game to the main menu and then start a new game. The program crashes and throws an error I haven't seen in C# before. I'll mess with it later.
Video later on.

The collision detection has been mostly fixed. It's better, with a couple of exceptions, than it was before the game state management was implemented. The main bug that's left is that, when pressing up against a stack of blocks and falling, the player can get snagged on the corners of the blocks which prevents him from falling. I'll take a look at this over the coming days. I'm kind of tired of working on this at the moment, so I'll take care of that later.

The audio bugs remain, but I know what's causing them and they should be trivial to fix. Hopefully.

Extinctathon: Game state management and one more collision bug (720p, 9.8mb download)

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